E-mail template for the SharePoint site creation request

Microsoft 365 atWork partners with AFI.AI, the developer of modern data protection platform built from the ground up to deliver a fully-fidelity backup for MICROSOFT 365 and GOOGLE WORKSPACE.

Thank you for interest in an article related to SharePoint site creation. I’m sure you will prepare a great collaboration site for your colleagues’ thanks to it!

I believe in the current situation you are not able to create SharePoint site by yourself. To help you resolve this problem I prepared ready to use email templates that you can send to your IT Service team as a request to resolve this blocker 🙂

How to prepare the final email

It is really easy. You need to just prepare your site name and the site address and fill in the email content

1. Download the file

Download one of available below email templates

2. Open the file

Extract zip archive and open downloaded email file. It will automatically open in Outlook application

3. Personalize the email

Fill in the email template in [highlighted] fields using your site properties:

  • Site name (1), like Sales Team Site
  • Site address (2), like https://yourcompanyname.sharepoint.com/sites/SalesTS
  • Sign yourself (3) 🙂

E-mail template for the SharePoint site creation request

4. Send the email

Find email address to your IT Service team and send the email.