Microsoft 365 atWork partners with AFI.AI, the developer of modern data protection platform built from the ground up to deliver a fully-fidelity backup for MICROSOFT 365 and GOOGLE WORKSPACE.

Microsoft 365 Copilot is one of the most AI-powered and exciting tools.

Many organizations are looking for the possibility to try Copilot before making a big investment.

Microsoft Copilot is a premium product in the Microsoft 365 environment.

Customers who building a business case for the investment need to prepare for Copilot. After the implementation of the prerequisites, some additional tests could help in getting approval for Copilot.

Learn more about trying Microsoft 365 Copilot using a trial subscription.

Is it possible to test Microsoft 365 Copilot using Trial?

Is Trial for Microsoft 365 Copilot available?

Microsoft 365 Copilot will be available globally on 1st November 2023. Every organization will have the possibility to buy Copilot and deploy it in Microsoft 365.

Is it possible to test Microsoft 365 Copilot using Trial?

Till that moment access to Microsoft Copilot was limited to invited-only early access provided by Microsoft to selected customers. On the other hand, Bing Chat Enterprise is available to all Microsoft 365 customers for free.

Many customers looking for the possibility to try Microsoft Coplit before they buy it. At this moment Microsoft does not offer a trial license for Microsoft 365 Copilot for customers.

Also, the publication of General Availability of Microsoft Copilot does not offer a trial license. Moreover, Microsoft Copilot requires a minimum of 300 licenses to deploy the product.

This could change when Microsoft 365 Copilot will be more present in Office 365.

Is it possible to test Microsoft 365 Copilot using Trial?

How to get access to Trial subscription of Microsoft 365 Copilot?

The lack of public access to Microsoft 365 Copilot does not mean that it will not be available for Microsoft 365 users. In most cases when Microsoft rollouts a new application you can get an invitation to a trial subscription from your Account Manager.

Contact with Microsoft sales team and highlight your interest in trying Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Free course “Prepare for Microsoft Copilot”

I can imagine that preparation for the Microsoft 365 Copilot could be a little overwhelming. Because of that, I’m preparing a free online course that will help you and your organization prepare better for the rollout of the Copilot.

Is it possible to test Microsoft 365 Copilot using Trial?

There’s no Copilot trial, but there is a trial for backup

Your cloud data may need a professional backup solution. When you will try Microsoft 365 you can also execute a trial version of the backup for your data.

I recommend considering a backup tool for Office 365 that will help you restore data from a specific point in time.

AFI.AI, a proud partner of this blog, provides a fast and reliable backup platform for Microsoft 365. I recommend trying it for free.

What’s next?

Good! You learned more about the trial version of Microsoft Copilot. Now you should learn more about Microsoft Copilot itself. Learn what is Microsoft Copilot, how to prepare for Copilot or check Copilot prerequisites.

Do you want more?

I prepared more articles around main Office 365 apps, like TeamsMicrosoft OutlookPower Automate, and SharePoint Online.


Learn how to try Microsoft 365 Copilot using a trial subscription. Check how a time-limited, free license for Microfot Copilot could help you.