Speed up implementation of your first app using Microsoft List templates. Digitalize your business processes in just a few clicks and start a collaboration. Use predefined data structure, styling, and views will help you to speed up the implementation of your application.

⏰ Timestamps

00:00 – Title

00:13 – Introduction

00:32 – Available templates

01:43 – Creation of the new list

02:10 – List created based on template

02:34 – Conclusion

02:55 – Outro

Use app templates for Microsoft Lists in Microsoft 365

? Transcription
Start to use Microsoft Lists templates.

Speed up the start of work with Microsoft Lists using predefined templates.
Available templates help to address crucial business processes thanks to the prepared setup of columns, views, and style formating.
This is a really great starting point to setup Your list.

Microsoft offers multiple templates that help to address your business cases.
The first template Issue tracker is a kind of service desk app. It will help you to monitor user requests.
The employee onboarding template tracks the tasks assigned for the onboarding process of new employees.
The third template – helps to organize the event’s sessions.
Asset management will help you to assign equipment across users in the organization. You can see here how the Picture column works.
The next template help to register activities connected with the recruitment process.
The travel requests template helps to manage the process of travel approval.
Work progress tracker on the other hand is very similar to the Planner but based on Microsoft List
The last available template Content scheduler could be helpful for the Communication team to plan publication across multiple platforms.
Based on this last template I will show you how to setup of the list using the template.

You need to set the name and description.
I also recommend putting some efforts into choosing a recognizable color and icon for the list.
In the last step choose where to create the list: in SharePoint or in My Lists in OneDrive.

The generated list is empty and at first, look does not look much exciting., but this is only a semblance.
Only after you will fill the list with the data it starts to shine.
Columns are ready to use and formating styles are in place.
Moreover, additional views are set up in the background. Using them will help you extended the reporting layer on top of your data.

Six Microsoft Lists templates are available for you.
When you starting your work with Lists you should trie them.
The predefined data structure, styling, and views will help you to speed up the implementation of your application.

Build your first app using Microsoft List templates.