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Find coll features of Microsoft Lists which will help you to work more efficiently.

Top tips & features of Microsoft Lists in Microsoft 365

Try the first package of tips and tricks:
1. Export the list to an Excel file.
2. Work with the record on the grid view
3. Add comments to the List elements and check activity stream
4. Start to use Alerting

⏰ Timestamps
00:00 – Title
00:18 – Introduction
00:35 – Export to Excel feature
02:30 – Work with data using grid view
03:50 – Comments in Microsoft List
05:00 – Conclusion
06:56 – Outro

Top tips & features of Microsoft Lists in Microsoft 365

? Transcription
I would like to show you some cool tips and tricks that you can use on Microsoft lists to improve your productivity on daily work. In today’s video, I would like to share with you some tips and tricks about Microsoft Lists, especially features that are present here. But for some reason, you can miss them because they’re hiding the user interface or you never had a chance to click on them when you’re playing with Microsoft lists.

The first feature I would like to share with you is exporting the whole list to a separated Excel file and you can be done that with just one click which you have to do on export to XL Bottom. So thanks to it. You will export the list to the file and after you will open it you will be able to load the whole data from your Microsoft list directly to the Excel file. So as soon as you will export the list, you will get the query file, just open it. The XL spreadsheet will appear on your screen and if you will enable the connection. You will see that your data will be loaded directly to the Excel file, so immediately you can get all that data, saving your spreadsheet and you can do whatever you want with that. It could be very useful from the perspective of building some reports, gathering some data to your manager because they need some kind of additional information or exporting at to them presentation or any other source. This is out of the box functionality you don’t have to do anything to get that from your Microsoft list. One more important feature that you should remember is if you will update your released with new purchase order registered, then you can load that data later onto your Excel file, which could be very useful. So if you’ll get back to exported data, just go to the data tab and choose to refresh all and after a second you will see that the new records will be also transferred here automatically. So it’s really worth to save that kind of file if you need to update that kind of reports later on.

The second feature I would like to share with you today is the grid view. This is some kind of spreadsheet-like experience for Microsoft lists, so if you will get there you will see that you will have very similar functionalities like you have when you working on the data on a Microsoft Excel file. So a few examples how you can use it for your daily collaboration so you can paste the records directly from your clipboard. You can see this example. I have some records safe in the background I copied from other Excel files and I would like to paste them to the Microsoft list. I can do that by just opening the grid view and using the paste functionality. Moreover, you have also the possibility to do massive operations on the records like copying the values between the cells. And this is something very easy so you can see this kind of. Special View gives you some possibilities to do massive operations on your data. We vowed additional filling the forms every time, so this is something that could really speed up your work. If you have to do a lot of additional tasks related with the records.

The one of the coolest and new functionalities on Microsoft List is possible to add the comments. The only thing you have to do is to select the record you will see the new icon comment on Top Bar. When you will select it, the comment panel will appear and you can save there. The comment that will be visible for all people who working on that. This is very simple functionality, but on the other hand it could really improve the collaboration when multiple people work on the 1 record. Moreover, you can also see the whole history of changes down there. To do that, just go to the I icon small icon that is almost hidden on the user interface. When you will see the record panel, you can see the whole activity stream down on the record. So when the record was created, who done that? When the changes were made and also the comments history. This is something really important when you work on the records for the longer time. It really can help you to work better.

The last feature I would like to share with you today is alerting so you can set the alerts on Microsoft List the whole list or on separated records by going to the three Dots icon and then to choose other me functionality. When you will click on that then you screen will appear when you can set the alerts which will be sent directly to your email box. You have few options here which is Wolf to nominate or to review. You can get the others about the new records about the changes, or about the dilution of the records done by you or other people, and also this cool and very useful you can get weekly or daily summary. So you can imagine that there is very important list for you. We’ve very important data and every Friday you want to get the report about the world was done and by whom during the week setting the alert is just. Choosing the OK button and after that you will get the notifications directly to your email box. 1 disclaimer about that this is classic functionality. There is good chance that the look and feel of that screen will be changing future or modernized by Microsoft, but still it’s working perfectly well right now. So how that kind of alerts looks like you will get the email to your email box which shows exactly the record and what is most important that changes made there so you can easily navigate all the changes. Monitor what’s happening, who does the changes and when. And I note organizations that need that kind of functionality so you can easily get that. But remember 3 dots and hide another. Me icon will allow you to do that.

That was the episode about the tips and tricks on Microsoft lists, you can see that there’s a lot of cool features, hide and there in the Microsoft this interface, and you can expect the next episode that will show another for very useful functionalities that will help you to work more efficiently and collaborate better using Microsoft.