Develop your Microsoft 365 skills thanks to the free Microsoft 365 sandbox environment. Setup free E5 Office 365 tenant for 25 users for an unlimited period of time for free.

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⏰ Timestamps
00:00 – Into
00:26 – Microsoft 365 sandbox environment – introduction
02:23 – Why having Microsoft 365 sandbox environment is mus-have
05:21 – How to get access to Microsoft 365 tenant for free
06:53 – Outro


? Episode transcript

During this audition, I will try to answer the question of why you need Microsoft 365 sandbox and what I meant by that. In general. I think every engineer or every advanced or engage business user of Microsoft 365 applications or the whole environment should have their own Microsoft 365 sandbox environment. I expect this kind of environment should be something separated. Owned by that person to give full freedom and possibility to play with that kind of applications and environment on any level you should have the possibility to play with it. To do the testing, do the changes behave as an administrator to see the results to see the benefits and maybe the mistakes that could happen when you work with that. And realistically it is only possible to be done when you have something that you own. And you have very high-level permissions there, so that’s why I’m thinking that having your own Office 365 tenant separated from your production from your company when you working. It’s really important for every person that would like to learn and would like to develop skills in this area. And of course, you can ask how can I get that without paying additional costs every month for the Microsoft 365 subscriptions? And I have the solution that could help you to do something very useful for your development in the area of Microsoft 365 to set up that kind of Microsoft 365 sandbox totally for free.


I can imagine that having your own Microsoft 365 sandbox tenant for free sounds interesting, and I believe Microsoft also sees that it is required to have some kind of program that could support people interested in developing Microsoft 365 skills. That’s why they provide Microsoft 365 developer program. This is a totally free program for users who would like to use Microsoft 365 to develop their skills to build business solutions. To learn how to build business solutions using Office 365 applications and what really Microsoft 365 developer program offers for the people who will decide to register for it. You will get 90 days of Microsoft 365. Tenant with 25 E 5 licenses, so licenses that will include security setup power by some Dynamics 365 services. You will also get the possibility to deploy there dummy data packages for the users for the emails created by these users or calendar events you will get the possibility to filled out the environment with SharePoint sites. Plus you will have full global admin rights there and such permissions offer you to work in God Mode. The whole setup of the environment is fully automated. You can manage it from the one centralized place prepared by Microsoft and what is most important, it took about one hour to set up the whole environment. Diploid damn users there and fill out the environment with the data and all of that is available totally for free. The only thing you have to do is register to the program. I promoting this solution because I personally use it on the daily basis. I believe I have about four environments set up like that. For many different purposes, but it’s a really efficient way to have space when you can do whatever you want with Microsoft 365, like doing the training and learning on Microsoft 365 applications. Testing the road map and new features. Development of power Platform or SharePoint framework or building the Pocs for your client. As you can see there are a lot of possible scenarios of how you can use that environment, but you have to remember this is not something that you should use. Like any kind of production environment, there’s no escape. There are no backups, and you have to remember that if you will not actively use this environment after 90 days of inactivity, that data will be removed.


To make it easier for you, I prepared the dedicated step-by-step training that will navigate you through all steps from the perspective of the registration to Microsoft 365 developer program through filling the environment with the dummy data dummy users damage SharePoint sites and with one very important element. What you have to do on a quarter basis on your Microsoft 365 tenant to extend the program. The important element is that you can have such a sandbox environment. Unlimited period. The only thing you have to do is to actively use it. I prepared the scenario which will take about 15 minutes per quarter, which you will down on your Office 365 environment. It will guarantee you that your environment will be extended for the next 90 days. You can imagine that having such an environment owned by you offered you for free is a really great opportunity. So I encourage you to set up such an environment and try to use it. The training I prepare for you is available on the website You can also found the link in the episode notes course. The training is totally for free. You can enroll it immediately without any additional costs. I hope that having your own Office 365 sandbox environment will give you the possibility to learn more about all the applications present there.