Work on files shared in SharePoint directly from file explorer?

It is possible! Thanks to OneDrive you are able to get quick access to the SharePoint folder in Windows 10/11 file explorer.

SharePoint Online is a web application is dedicated to Office 365 for quick collaboration based on documents and files. Many users still prefer to work on documents saved in SharePoint using local file explorer. Office 365 allows you to map SharePoint Online as a local drive to get quick access to the files.

Start to use file explorer on your Windows 10 to access SharePoint Online. Get quick access to the files saves in SharePoint site, document library, or folder.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

How to add SharePoint to the file explorer?

Office 365 offers the possibility to add SharePoint to local Windows 10 PC file explorer. You can sync the content of Document Library in SharePoint to your local PC and get quick access to documents stored in SharePoint Online.

To add SharePoint to file explorer open a specific SharePoint site and navigate to SharePoint document library URL using Site Content.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

Open the document library where you store the files you want to sync to your local file explorer.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

In the SharePoint Document Library select one of the available options that can add shortcuts in file explorer to the SharePoint library.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

When you select the Sync option you will add a separated shortcut in file Explorer to SharePoint.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

In case of use of Add shortcut to OneDrive option, it will add SharePoint icon in the OneDrive section.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

Add shortcut to SharePoint files gives you the possibility to get quick access to the SharePoint data in file explorer.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

How to add SharePoint folder to the file explorer?

It is possible to add a specific SharePoint folder to file explorer in your Windows 10.  You can select the Folder and use Add shortcut to OneDrive option.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

This feature will add this SharePoint folder to your personal OneDrive and give you the possibility to access the SharePoint folder in the file explorer of OneDrive.

Hot to add SharePoint Online to file explorer in Windows PC

Add shortcut to OneDrive gives you the possibility to get quick access to the SharePoint folder in file explorer.

How to add SharePoint site to the file explorer?

You are not able to add the whole SharePoint site with one click to file explorer. Specific Document Libraries will be added to your file explorer. To sync the whole SharePoint site and it to file explorer you need to separately add all site libraries.

How to add SharePoint list to the file explorer?

Unfortunately, it is not possible. You are able only to add and sync SharePoint lists to file explorer in Windows 10. It is also not possible to add a shortcut to the SharePoint list.

What’s next?

Great! You learned how to map SharePoint folders to OneDrive for business. The natural next step is to start advanced work with SharePoint and OneDrive. Learn how OneDrive data is retained in Office 365how to fix issues with OneDrive sync problems and top features of the OneDrive in Office 365.

It’s not enough? 

I prepared more articles that could help you get a better understanding of SharePointOneDriveMicrosoft Teams and Yammer.


Add SharePoint icon to file explorer to work more efficiently in Windows 10 PC. Use SharePoint Online as a local drive to get quick access to the files.