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Extend the way how users could request to join SharePoint Hub site by adding the approval process powered by Power Automate. Build a simple workflow in a few minutes and fully automate the whole process.

Joining request for SharePoint Online Hub site in Office 365

⏰ Timestamps
00:00 – Title

00:16- Introduction

00:33 – Adding approval for Hub

01:20 – Requesting to join Hub

01:56 – Approving the request

02:08 – Conclusion

02:48 – Outro

Joining request for SharePoint Online Hub site in Office 365

? Transcription

Learn how to add an approval process for sites joining the Hub site. When you building complex site collections and connecting them in the Hub site, you need to take control of which sites will be added by users and which not. Thankfully, right now you can add an approval process to control that. Adding the approval process to the hub site this quite easy. You have to go to the settings and then select Hub site settings. You can see the new option here that turn on the approval process for all sides that would like to join the Hub site. Just choose create and you will be navigated to the power automate the process. You will connect to all elements that will be used, so just select continue to proceed to the next step you choosing the approval. And selecting the approval process. After a moment the approval is added. Thanks to the approval process added to the Hub site, you will be able to request joining the Hub site from any other SharePoint site. Just go to sign information and in the Hub site association you will be able to choose the selected Hub site and then start the approval process to join this website. This kind of solution gives you the control about which sites will be added by user request to your hub sites by sending the request you will start the approval process after a few seconds you will receive the approval request from Power Automate on your email account when you will approve it. The site will be automatically assigned to your hub site. As soon as you will get back to your side, you can see that it is connected to your hub site. The navigation from hop is already in place and if you will get back to your site information page you can see that associated Hub site is on. Please remember that approval process is based on Power Automate application. So in the background, you have the approval workflow that you can see the history of it. You can edit it and you can change it whenever you want. Of course, the basic one process is very simple, but if you’d like to you can customize it and adapted to your needs.